To facilitate the review process authors are advised to type set the manuscript in Microsoft Word-2000/2003 (.doc extension) or Microsoft Word-2007/2010 (.docx extension). These two forms of the articles are accepted in the journal. Manuscript is to be organized as :
Title : Title of the manuscripts should be clear and self explanatory in nature. Title must be fit in three lines in print. Title should avoid abbreviations. The first letter of the notional word will be in capital letter.
Author(s) : Full name of the author(s) without rank and title should be provided. Corresponding author should be marked with (*). Affiliationsof the author(s) should include Department/Faculty/University or Institute/City, State, Country, Pincode etc. E-mail of the corresponding author is mandatory.
Abstract : Abstract should not exceed 500 words. Abstract should not contain citations or un-explained abbreviations. In abstract research methodology, findings and conclusions should be summarized.
Keywords : Keywords should be concise and distinctive and not more than five words.
Introduction : Introduction should include the background objective and an overview of the whole manuscript.
Materials and Methods : Materials and Methods should be in detail so that it enable the experiment to be reproduced. Standard methodology should be adopted and supported with references of standard protocols.
Results and Discussion : Authors can write result and discussion in combined or separately. Findings of the research should be discussed with relevant, supportive citations. Research data should be statistically analyzed with significance. Position of Tables and Figures should be indicated in the text at required places. Authors are advised not to repeat the same data in the Table and Figure. Authors should cite the relevant and latest references in support of their results in the text. References should be cited in the text by surname of the author(s) and the year of publication e.g. Akhtar(2021); Yadav R.S. and Agrawal M. (1995). In case of more than two authors surname of the first author followed by et. al. e.g. Yadav et. al. (1996). Citations in number inside the text is not acceptable. e.g. (1), (2) etc.
Tables and Figures : Each Table and Figure should be given a caption and number successively such as : Table-1, Table-2, Table-3 etc. and Figure-1, Figure-2, Figure-3 etc.
Acknowledgement : Acknowledgement should be specific, actual helping persons, funding agencies should be acknowledged.
References : There should be at least 15 references in a research article. Reference should be authentic and relevant. Complete references should be written in the following style :
Agrawal, M. and S.B.Agrawal (1989) Phytomonitoring of air pollution around a thermal power plant. Atoms. Environ 23: 763- 769.
Black, V.J(1982)Effects of Sulphurdioxide on physiological processes in the plant. In : Effects of Gaseous pollutants in Agriculture and Horticulture, M.H. Unsworth an D.P.Ormrod(eds), Butterworths, London,67-71.
Submission of Manuscripts : Manuscripts can be submitted through e-mail on